KultureCity's Fundraisers

Joe’s NYC Marathon

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Amount Raised:

$0.00 of $5000


I am thrilled to announce that I will once again be partnering with KultureCity in the 53rd running of the NYC Marathon. I will be running in honor of my brother Carmine, who inspires me every day with his strength and resilience. Carmine was diagnosed with severe autism at an early age. This diagnosis had such a tremendous impact on our family. Things that we often take for granted like going out to dinner, going on a vacation, or going to a concert or sporting event can be such a challenge for those that are on the spectrum. For those with level 3 autism like my brother, something as simple as going to the supermarket can be a real challenge…not just for the person with autism, but for their family members as well.

What I love about KultureCity is that they’re going the extra mile to really help those who are on the spectrum. Through their sensory inclusion programs, they are outfitting stadium venues, amusement parks, and even cruise ships with sensory inclusion rooms and activities. What was once such a daunting task for those on the spectrum and their families, has now been made a little easier. KultureCity even helps train first responders on how to recognize the signs of autism. I highly encourage you to browse their website and see all the things they are doing to not only raise awareness, but to make a real difference!
Anything that can be done to improve the quality of life of those living on the spectrum….anything that can be done to make their families’ lives a little easier…that’s a cause worth running a marathon for!!!

Thank you for any support…whether it be a small donation or just some positive encouragement! I can’t wait to go the distance on November 3rd. I will also be running with my brother’s name on my jersey…this one’s for him, and I will be emptying the tank!


Joseph Fuda


Created July 26, 2024

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Minimum Price: $10.00

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